Guayaki Yerba Mate - Revel Berry - 16oz.

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Reach deep into yerba mate culture and you'll discover people have long gathered to imbibe mate to awaken the mind, preform extraordinary feats and to exchange confidences. Even Yari, the mythical goddess of mate decrees it the symbol of friendship. We've always believed there was a magical tree in the rainforest with powers to unite and energize. Come to life with this high energy infusion brewed from the mighty, emerald free mate leaves. Guayaki's missoin is to steward and restore 200,000 acres of rainforest and create over 1,000 living wage jobs.
An infustion of: (purified water, organic brewed yerba mate, organic brewed hibisous flower), organic cane sugar, organicyerba mate extract, organic yumberry juice concentrate, citric acid, organic raspberry/blackberry natural flavors.
Not recommended for children, pregnant/breastfeeding women, or individuals sensitive to caffeine. Do not mix with alcohol.